Monday, October 6, 2008

Saying Goodbye!

I was amazed yesterday as I watched my in-laws say goodbye to their son and his family. You see, they are moving to Haiti for a year to missionaries and to start a nutrition program for children through a church outreach. He is in charge of finding workers, growing the food and producing the food. His wife is in charge of distributing the food and monitoring the progress of the children.

My husband and I attended first service and we watched that sweet little family walk up to the front of the church and other missionaries prayed over them, which is a beautiful sight. However, what I saw from the stoic father was so humbling that I too wept. Not that I wouldn't have anyway, but more so when we said goodbye. He is a proud man and he did such a beautiful raising his family. Although his children are goofy and occasionally stubborn, they are full of faith and all have hearts for God. They make good choices and stand up for what they believe.

Their mother on the other hand, she is a bit of a cryer. She cries A LOT! She too wept but I could see how proud she was that what they had taught their children was coming through and that they were following the path that God had laid out for them.

I was also amazed by the strength and courage that it must take to pack up your family and move so far away to a place so different and scary. Voodoo, witch doctors and things of that nature are what I have heard about Haiti. I ask you now to please send up a prayer for all missionaries, where ever they may be. A prayer for safety, health and daily renewal of faith and courage.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The life of ME

Mama, mama....

I love that! There is nothing better than listening to my baby talking a playing in the other room (I want him to learn to play by himself and not be constantly entertained). I am a new mother and I LOVE IT!!! My seven month old son, has two teeth (working on some more), is crawling, sitting up and stands with help and keeps me super busy. I love it!!

I love Jesus Christ! He is perfect! Who else loves me unconditionally, holds no record of wrongs and sacrificed His life so that I am live with Him when I die. I am sold-out. There are people in my life who do not feel the same but I continue to love Jesus and live my life for him, I need him if I want to be in heaven when I die, and who doesn't want that? I pray that God gives me the words to inspire you to also come to know him and love him. I also pray for those of you who think that being a Christian means not having fun. I once thought that, but now, I see that I have more fun as a Christian as I did when I was going out to the bars and partying all the time. It is only through the grace of God that I am a different and more fulfilled person!

I am a wife! I love my husband. We have a lot of fun together. He is a goofball! Don't get me wrong, we have our problems but our love is grounded in our love for our Lord and he has truly blessed us. We will never divorce, it is not an option for us. My parents broke up while I was in middle school and I will never do it. I have seen how many people's lives have been changed and how much. I love my husband now and forever. I believe that love is a choice that you make everyday.

I am also an artist of many sorts. I do it all (not necessarily well) and I am going to school to be an art teacher. What better job could I find that will impact the world and that I love? Now that I am a mommy, I have had to slow down immensely. Prior to conceiving, I was taking anywhere from 15-19 hours per semester. Now I am taking 6. I feel like I will never get through but know that I need to plug through. I will get done someday and have the BFA that I have long coveted.